When you enter college, inadvertently, you are signing up for a surprise package, because you cannot have a clue about how things will pan out. College life is not just a step up in the ladder of your career journey but also that crucial phase in life which gives you new experiences, freedom and opportunities to explore new avenues. Here is a 7-point plan that can help you in making the best of your college life:
Participate in extracurricular activities
Every college has different activity clubs and societies of which you can be a part of, ranging from dance, music, photography, debating, theatrics, fine arts, fashion and many more. As soon as you join college, connect with your seniors to get an idea about these societies where you will not only meet like-minded people but also hone new skills.
The importance of networking
In college, friends are your immediate family who will help you to go to places and feel comfortable in a new environment. In the initial months, make sure you speak to everyone and do not wait for others to come and befriend you because they too might be anxious and refrain from mingling.
Find mentors
Having a senior to guide you and offer support when you need it is the best kind of guidance one can have in college. Your seniors can help you in knowing more about college, curriculum, academics, rules, clubs, faculty members and everything that you need to know to be aware of what goes on in the campus.
Attend the orientation program
At no cost afford to miss the orientation program because it is the first day of your college life and your departmental orientation holds a lot of importance. You will get to know about the grading system, curriculum, examination, subject combination, your professors. This is also the time when you can clear any doubts.
Understand the timetable
Attendance is a vital part of the college years for every student and thus, you must know your timetable well. By being regular to class, you will develop a thorough understanding of the subject matter and will also be able to indulge in activities beyond the classroom.
Know about formalities and forms
While you had a class teacher back in school to provide you the forms, this is not the case in college. Pay a visit to the admin office to inquire about the forms, formalities and your identity card. You can also check if there is an authorized person who can provide you the details and guide you in getting your documents ready.
Some colleges provide hostel facility to their students whereas you might have to look for a paying guest room if there is no such accommodation facility. While you are looking for a paying guest room, make sure to estimate the distance from this place to the college. Additionally, make sure to check about the facilities provided at the PG
Settling into a college is difficult when you have left school and you are stepping out of your comfort zone for the first time. The highs and lows one will face during college life will certainly help you to become stronger and more equipped to face any challenges in life.